Choomba Simillah was being expelled from the University of Zambia.
He owed 9,000 Zambian kwacha (about USD 900), and he had no idea where to obtain the money.
But Simillah wasn’t going to give up. He was studying for a bachelor’s degree at the public university while teaching at Rusangu Secondary School, a Seventh-day Adventist boarding academy in Zambia.
Simillah approached various people to ask to borrow the money. He looked for a way to sell his car, a maroon Toyota Voltz. He prayed to God to intervene.
Then he went to a bank in Monze, the nearest town to Rusangu Secondary School, to apply for a loan. He learned, however, that the bank had stopped offering loans.
As he dejectedly left the bank, a friend called out on the street, “Can I hire your car for 21 days?”
Simillah looked up.
“There is a white man who has a daughter coming here for the holidays,” the friend said. “He wants to travel. He asked me to look for a sound car, and I think yours will do.”
“That sounds like an opportunity,” Simillah said. “What should I do?”
“Just take your car to the car wash,” the friend said.
Simillah gave his car a good wash and met with the man, who was spending several months with a friend in Monze. He said he wanted to take his daughter on a tour of Zambia and offered 12,000 kwacha to borrow the car for 21 days. The amount was enough to buy a secondhand car.
“I couldn’t believe it,” Simillah said in an interview.
The man wanted to take the car on a Saturday. Simillah needed the money, but he refused, not wanting to engage in a business transaction on the Sabbath.
“No, we can meet on Sunday,” he said, praying silently that the man wouldn’t change his mind.
The man agreed to pick up the car on Sunday and offered him the cash on the spot.
Simillah promptly returned tithe and went to the university to pay off his bill. He never was expelled and graduated in 2016.
Now more than ever, he believes in the power of prayer.
“Be patient and trust in God,” said Simillah, 37. “You might struggle to do this or that, but He knows what you want. His appointed time always comes.”
The Rusangu Mission, where the secondary school is located, was established with mission funds in the early 1900s. Thank you for your mission offering.