“Here we have done even more than we could in New York,” Leonid said.
One hundred fifty missionaries came to Kiev—all were specially chosen by their unions or conferences. In addition, a youth team was formed, with 18 members from across the Euro-Asia Division. During the nearly six-month training program, the missionaries worked alongside Bible workers and medical missionaries and helped in the health stores. Additionally, 400 pastors came during two-week rotations to prepare for similar programs to be held in other cities throughout the division.
Anna, who led the youth group, was involved in several facets of the program. “We went prayer walking and walked close to the doors of the houses where we would be returning. At each house we prayed, ‘Please God, give us this house. Give us these people. Prepare them for us.’ ”
The next day team members went two by two, with one speaking while the other prayed. “First, we talk with the person about events happening in the world,” Anna describes. “Then we ask if they have ever read the Bible and if they think there is a connection between spiritual life and health. We try to continue the conversation and become acquainted with them.”
“What works in this method,” adds Leonid, “is not our faces or our questions. It’s that God prepares a special person for us, to hear what we have to share. This is very important.”
After just two weeks of going door-to-door, the team rejoiced that 26 new people came to church. Additionally, the health program participants were delighted to learn how to live longer and better and were enjoying being with the missionaries. “You have such a wonderful team,” they told Leonid and Anna. “We want to be with you. We like what you are doing.”
Anna is especially pleased with the effect the project is having on the youth. “I’m so happy when I hear them say, ‘You know, we feel like we’re in heaven. We feel like we’re really living here.’ At home, they have other worries, but here they feel the love of Jesus. When we work with Jesus and for Him, it’s real life.”
“Our youth program is part of the larger Mission to the Cities project,” Leonid said. “Here we’re all involved in one project—one mind, one spirit, and it’s really great!”
“This project is the result of a lot of prayers,” adds Anna. “Our entire world church has been thinking about how to reach people in the cities. If we’re all together, we can do wonderful things—and Jesus will come!”
Anna Gavelo, 23, represented the Euro-Asia Division (ESD) in the pilot program of One Year in Mission (OYIM). She, along with 13 other young adults, worked in NewYork City as part of the church’s Mission to the Cities outreach.