As members in the local Seventh-day Adventist churches watched the enthusiastic One Year in Mission (OYIM) young people, they understood that they, too, could do something special for the community and began to follow the example of reaching out to their neighbors.
“I can tell you honestly,” Anna said, “that I didn’t used to think much about working in the big cities—I didn’t see what the real problems were. And it’s easier to go to a village. But after being involved with this project, I understand that we really, really need to be here.
“When I came back to my home church in Russia, I saw it with different eyes. I realized that we need to work differently—we need to be real Christians. Something in my mind had changed; I understood how we need to live and how to work.
“I was so inspired in New York, I began praying about what could be done in my home division of ESD [Euro-Asia Division],” Anna recalled.
In June 2013, hundreds of leaders, pastors, and evangelists from around the world descended on NewYork City to participate in the General Conference International Field School of Evangelism. The program included classes in the day and practical experience in evening evangelistic meetings held across the New York metropolitan area.
Leonid Rutkovsky, a pastor from the ESD, gave presentations at the Ukrainian and Russian churches in New York. When he wasn’t in class or meetings, Leonid and Victor Kozakov, the Adventist Mission director for ESD, talked about how they could do something similar in their division.
“We decided that if people were preaching in New York and having good
results, then why not in our territory?” Leonid said. “If it can happen in New
York, then it can happen in Moscow or Kiev.
“The field school gave us clear direction for reaching the big cities. Now we were focused, we had a purpose in mind and a goal to reach.”
When Anna met Leonid, she was excited to hear about the developing plans. “We have a goal to knock on every door in Kiev,” he told her. “There are 700,000 doors in Kiev, and we want every one. We will have special maps showing every street, every block, and every house.”
Anna was delighted. “I could see that God was leading, and I knew I needed to go to Kiev. He has His wonderful plan—we just need to follow it.”
As the Mission to the Cities director in Kiev, Leonid provides training in preaching for church members and oversees the work of Bible and literature workers and medical missionaries, who provide simple remedies to the community—including 16 classes on such topics as smoking cessation, cooking and weight loss, alcohol recovery, and mother and child health.