Mary sat weeping on the roadside outside her home, rocking her young son in her arms. He had been sick almost since birth. Mary took him to many doctors, but still he suffered from terrible coughing spells. Twice he’d been hospitalized, but even the strongest antibiotic didn’t end the cough that plagued him. The last doctor had ordered tests and X-rays, but Mary had no more money.
For three months her husband, a carpenter, hadn’t found work. They had borrowed thousands of rupees to pay their rent and buy food. Life seemed hopeless. Her husband was depressed; he felt powerless to provide for his family. He saw no way out except to end their miserable lives. When he had suggested suicide, she became angry; but as trouble mounted, she began to think that it might be their only way out.
As another coughing spell awakened her little boy, Mary saw a neighbor, Madesh, walking toward her. Madesh stopped when she saw Mary crying. “What’s wrong?” Madesh asked tenderly.
“It’s Daniel,” replied Mary. “He’s still sick, and I have no money.” Madesh knew of Mary’s problems; she had visited Mary several times since her son was born and had tried to help. She also had prayed for the family.
“Don’t worry,” she said. “Our Jesus can help. Come to church with me, and my pastor will pray for you.” It was Sabbath morning, and Madesh was on her way to church.
Mary said nothing. She dried her tears and followed Madesh. When they arrived at the church, the pastor welcomed them. When Madesh told the pastor of Mary’s problems, he assured her that he would pray for her son after the service.
Mary sat quietly through Sabbath School; she had never seen such a service. Daniel slept in her arms. She listened to the pastor’s sermon, wondering if he would give her medicine for her son.
When the service ended, Mary remained in the pew waiting. After the pastor had greeted everyone, he returned to the sanctuary and sat down beside Mary. Placing his hand on Daniel’s head, he prayed that God would heal the child and show this family His power. Then the pastor gave Mary an envelope filled with herbs, telling her to mix them with honey or water and give it to the boy.
Madesh encouraged Mary as they walked home. In Mary’s house Madesh mixed the herbs with hot water because the family had no honey. They spoon-fed it to little Daniel. Madesh prayed with Mary, then went home.