One couple, the Sircars, were members of the same church that David and Swarna had attended. They, too, were excited about the truths they discovered. “We never knew such things were in the Bible,” they said.
One of the things they learned was that God could be approached in personal prayer, without the help of a priest or a prayer book. This news was thrilling to them, for they had long wished to speak directly to God.
One night the Sircars were awakened by the cries of their 13-year-old daughter. She had terrible pain in her chest that wouldn’t go away. Her groans and cries made the worried parents wonder if she was dying.
“What shall we do?” Mrs. Sircar worried. “There’s no way for us to get medical help now, and by morning she may be dead.”
“We can pray for her,” her husband suggested. “We’ve learned that we don’t need the priest; we’ll just tell Jesus about this and ask Him to heal her.”
The couple knelt beside the sick girl’s bed and cried out to God to save their daughter. Tears ran down their cheeks as they begged Him to touch their precious girl.
Suddenly they realized that their daughter had stopped groaning. By the time they said Amen, she was asleep. Her parents were convinced that God had led them to the Bible studies at David Pan’s house. They continued to attend and were among the first group baptized.
In a nearby village a man named Victor and his wife were praying for someone to come and help them understand the Bible.
One day someone invited the couple to attend the Bible studies in David and Swarna’s home. Victor and his wife were sure that God had sent this visitor in answer to their prayer. The next Saturday they went to the meeting in David’s home. “Amazing!” Victor commented as he listened to the teaching. “I’m finding answers to Bible questions that I’ve struggled with for years. I’m so happy.”
The message spread rapidly among the villages around David and Swarna’s home. People came knocking on their door asking them to come and teach what they had learned.
Some years ago David and Swarna attended a Global Mission Pioneer training class and became one of 20 Global Mission Pioneer teams that were sent out to towns and villages with the gospel. As a result of their work, and those of other Global Mission Pioneers, thousands of people have come to know the truth as it is in Jesus and have been baptized.