The pastor in Pierre’s hometown told us that the church was planning evangelistic meetings soon, and Pierre promised to attend. Later the pastor informed me that Pierre had been baptized and was attending church faithfully. One more lost sheep had found his way home.
Other boys in our group left the city, promising to return home.
I continued meeting with the boys who stayed. They formed a tight and protective circle around me and did not want any other boys to join the group. Often they would warn me, “Mama, watch out for that boy over there. Do not trust him. He might try to steal your bag.” But in spite of their efforts to protect me from newcomers, it was not long before the group of boys had grown from 15 to more than 30.
It became harder and harder for me to provide a nutritious meal for the boys every week. I could not afford that much food or the time to prepare it. My heart ached for these boys, but I could not continue feeding them. Others offered to help occasionally, but still the task fell on me. At last, I had to tell them that I could not continue providing a meal. I did continue to meet with them regularly, and whenever they saw me around town, they always called me “Mama.” I continued to pray for them as well, asking God to speak to them so that they would be ready to meet Him in heaven, where the table is always filled with food.
This quarter, a portion of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help to build a mission academy for young people in Libreville, Gabon. The school will provide a way to minister to many youth in this French-speaking West African country.
The Thirteenth Sabbath Offering also will help to build a youth center at Babcock University in Nigeria, where the majority of the 10,000 university students are non-Seventh-day Adventists, including many Muslims who are coming from the north of Nigeria.
Anastasie Ndah is a Bible worker in Yaoundé, Cameroon. She also has carried on an extensive ministry among prostitutes in the city, offering them hope for a better life here and a future in heaven. Several of the women, as well as her boys, have given their hearts to the Lord.