Four months later my husband became ill, complaining of pain in his stomach and chest. He wanted to go to the hospital; so, I went to find someone who could take him there. While I was gone, he died in the arms of our two oldest children, seven and eight years old.
I returned to find my husband dead and my children crying and confused. I became angry with God. “How can this happen when I’ve just given my life to You?” I demanded to know. But no answer came. I wanted to die, too. Others had to care for my children and make the funeral arrangements. Somehow we made it through the funeral. Then the realization hit me: he is gone. I have no job and five children to care for. How will we survive?
We were renting a house, but soon after my husband’s funeral the landlord came to tell us we had to move. My husband’s oldest brother invited us to stay in his home. The relationship was stressful, and after nine months we left. My uncle rented a house for the children and me to live in, but I needed to work. My younger sister came to live with us and care for my children so I could work in the marketplace, buying wholesale vegetables and selling them at a profit. It was difficult, tiring work, the hours were long, and I earned very little. I began attending evening classes to learn a skill that would support my family better. Through all my trials, the brothers and sisters of the church supported me. People cared for my children while I worked and attended classes; others helped with food and money. God sent other compassionate friends to help, as well.
I wanted to share God’s love with others while I worked; so, I began selling Seventh-day Adventist literature. Every day, God provided what we needed and strengthened my faith. After a year, I was offered work in the Adventist publishing house.
I thank God for caring for us through these difficult times. When the children lost their father, God became their Father. He has supplied our needs and helped me train them. I taught them to love and glorify God, and they are faithful to Him.