While I was at the rehabilitation center, I spent a lot of time thinking about straightening out my life. I had committed some crimes while I was selling drugs, and this knowledge weighed on me. When I left the rehabilitation center, I went to the police and confessed that I had driven a getaway car while a friend committed a robbery. During the robbery, my friend had killed someone, making me an accessory to murder.
I was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. My friend was imprisoned for life. Other prisoners treated me badly when they learned that my confession had put my friend in jail. It took a long time for them to accept me.
While I was in prison, I asked a Seventh-day Adventist pastor to visit me. He came often, and we studied the Bible together. I accepted Jesus as my Savior during this time. Other church members also visited me, and soon I had more letters and visitors than anyone, thanks to the spirit of family among the Adventist members. I tried to pass the love that they showed me on to other prisoners when I could.
Some of the prisoners were not Swedish citizens. They would serve their time without visits from loved ones. When the Adventists learned about these people, they visited them and helped them with practical needs, and when the prisoners left prison, the church members kept in touch with them. Some of these women asked, “What kind of church do you belong to that cares about others like this?” I was glad my Adventist friends followed through with these needs. Some of these prisoners joined a Bible study correspondence course, and others joined my prayer group. Now that they have been released, I pray that they will search for God.
I had a checkup because of my heart problem. The doctor performed the test three times before she called in another doctor. He performed the test again, and then asked me for my name. “We were not sure you were the same patient, because your heart is normal size and is working perfectly. I see no health problems here at all. Your angina is completely gone.”
When I was released from prison, God provided work for me and a place to live. As I look back, I realize that God saved me from myself, saved my life from death, and then He made everything in my life so beautiful.