Kim met some Christians who introduced him to a church. He attended the worship services and enjoyed the music, but in time Kim realized that the worship services were more about experience and feelings than about reason and logic. He yearned for something more, something to satisfy his mind as well as his spirit. He wondered whether he would always be searching and never really finding.
Then Kim found the newspaper ad. He decided to attend the Bible study meeting. Perhaps there he would find the answers he was looking for.
Kim was amazed at what he learned during the Bible study. He never realized the depth of God’s love and the plan of salvation. He continued to attend and built his life on the truths he was learning. He discarded the twisted philosophies that had clouded his understanding of God. Kim realized that God was not only logical but the author of perfect logic and meaning. His spiritual life grew as he studied for himself God’s great truths.
Kim shared small bits of what he was learning with his family. They listened politely, but he could tell that they weren’t really interested. Kim has kept sharing, hoping that his family will eventually accept his faith in God, just as they accepted his principles of healthful living.
Eight months after Kim found the newspaper ad, he was baptized into Christ and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Kim is learning how to share his faith with others and how to find answers to his personal questions in his Bible. He enjoys sharing with others the truths he has come to love and wants to help others find God as he has. He hosts a weekly dinner and Bible study that 10 to 12 people attend.
The church in Denmark is small, and few are interested in religion. But Kim wants to help the church grow. He continues to share truth and testimony with his family, hoping that one day they will come to know Jesus as he has.
Denmark is a small country made up of a peninsula and almost 500 islands. It lies south of Norway and Sweden. It’s a wealthy and modern nation, and, as in most European countries, its people have lost their sense of need for God.
This quarter a portion of your Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help to build an international evangelistic youth center in Oslo, Norway. To learn more, visit