About six months after my first visit to Kveto’s home, he invited me to attend church with him. I’d been reading the Bible and was interested in what kind of church would teach these things, so I decided to go. I was interested but careful, for I didn’t want to be seduced into something irrational.
The church building was unimpressive, but when we entered, everyone wanted to shake my hand. Kveto knew I was a reserved person, so he had warned me that the people were friendly. I felt a different atmosphere in this place, one filled with peace, order, and love.
I really enjoyed the church service and the warmth of the people, and began going to church every Sabbath. Now I know that the Holy Spirit was awakening my heart and mind so I could understand the truth. I recognized my own spiritual poverty. God gave me faith and changed my heart.
My family noticed the changes in my life. They questioned me, fearing that I was being deceived by some sect. They saw that my religious conviction was strong and never forbade me to visit the church or read the Bible.
As Kveto and I studied together, we dealt with other aspects of faith in God and doctrines. I regularly attended public meetings on the topics found in the books of Daniel and Revelation. Repetition helped me to understand those things and answered questions that I wasn’t sure how to ask.
One year after I first met Kveto on the street, I committed my life to God. On a Friday night, under the canopy of heaven, I was baptized. I felt as though heaven was near as I answered the pastor’s questions and affirmed my faith. On Sabbath, I was officially received by the church. I was 20 years old.
How patient and caring is our mighty God! It amazes me to know that He who controls the whole universe would stoop down to free me from the errors of this world! He saved me, and He leads me daily toward a greater understanding of salvation! He caught me when I was trying to decide what I would do with my life. After my baptism, I studied at the Seventh-day Adventist theological seminary in Prague so that I could be an instrument in God’s hand to lead other searching souls to Him.
I praise God and thank Him for Kveto, who never gave up on me when I did not believe.
Jozef Plachy is now an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister and serves as the director of Children’s Ministries, Children’s Sabbath School, and Pathfinders in the Slovakian Conference.