I met with church leaders in the project’s region, and we laid plans to train and equip 1,000 laypersons to share the gospel in their homeland. Although evangelism in this country is technically illegal, God opened doors.
When we arrived, we thought that some of the 1,000 people who had signed up wouldn’t come. But 1,300 people came! Some knew that they wouldn’t receive the materials, but they wanted to come and learn anyway. What an amazing bunch of laypersons we have there!
We couldn’t import evangelistic materials or DVD players for the lay evangelists, so we had to buy or produce these items within the country. Each person is allowed to buy only one DVD player, and we had to be sure that they didn’t all go out to buy the DVD players at the same time or in the same place. We bought paper and printing materials on the black market to print the scripts that go with the DVDs we gave to the volunteers. All of this had to be done secretly, and we can’t talk about how God made it happen—but He did!
We trained and equipped the lay members and sent them back home to start working. One hundred of these lay members are now working full-time, like Global Mission pioneers, to teach and baptize and establish new church plants. They have been secretly moved to areas within the country where we have no churches. There they teach their new neighbors about God’s love and plant new churches.
In the first six months of the program, the believers in this country have studied with thousands of eager people. More than 650 people have been baptized, and six new churches have been planted. And these dear people are just getting started!
I’m amazed at what God is doing through my family and me and others who are dedicated to serving God however He leads. We are God’s hands, stewards of His resources. He’s using us to further His work in a place I never could have dreamed possible.
Every believer is a steward of God’s resources, and He will bless each of us as we turn our lives and resources over to Him.