The physician showed the 3-D ultrasound images to Dr. Hernando Díaz.“You’re a physician,” he said. “Here is the evidence. End the pregnancy.”Hernando’s pregnant wife, Erica, wept. The images showed that their baby had Potter’s syndrome, a rare condition associated with kidney failure, abnor-mal limbs, and an unusual facial appearance, including widely separated eyes.
As a physician, Hernando understood that the physician was right. But as a Christian, he wondered what to do. The baby wouldn’t live if the 32-week pregnancy were ended, but there might be hope if they waited. Should he trust science or God? “God will have the last word,” he said.
Complications beset the pregnancy, and the physician recommended a C-section to save Erica’s life. Hernando and Erica prayed. Their church prayed. Family and hospital staff rebuked Erica for not ending the pregnancy.
Two days before the C-section, a 3-D ultrasound showed that nothing had changed. That night, Erica had a dream. She saw a baby boy playing in a bas-ket and heard a voice telling her husband, “Take your son. He is a gift from God. You shall name him Samuel David. Raise him according to God’s Word.”
Erica and Hernando took the dream as a sign that the baby might survive. They bought baby supplies for the first time. The next day, however, they braced for the worst. The physician said that he would do the C-section, cut the umbilical cord, and expect the baby to die within minutes.
C-sections usually take 20 to 30 minutes. Hernando waited in the wait-ing room for 30 minutes . . . 40 minutes . . . 50 minutes. His anxiety grew as 60 minutes passed. Suddenly he heard screams. They weren’t his wife’s. They weren’t their baby’s. They were the sound of the physician and nurses screaming in surprise. They had expected a deformed baby but instead found a perfect baby boy.
“It is impossible!” the physician exclaimed. “This is a miracle!”
The parents determined to raise Samuel David according to God’s Word, and today they credit him for leading them and many others to Jesus. While seeking medical treatment for the boy’s subsequent kidney problems, they learned about and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Today, Hernando works as a physician at the Adventist Medical Center on the campus of Colombia Adventist University in Medellin, Colombia. Samuel is a healthy eight-year-old boy. “We decided to trust in God even though almost everyone was against us,” said Hernando, 60. “God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Many people have come to the feet of Jesus after hearing Samuel’s story.”
This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help open a mis-sionary training center at Colombia Adventist University