Study Focus: Revelation 14 elaborates on the remnant’s side of the war with the dragon, as announced in Revelation 12:17.
Introduction: In Revelation 14, the remnant reappears as the 144,000, who follow the Lamb wherever He goes (Rev. 14:1–5). This emergence is followed by the most famous of all Bible passages to Seventh-day Adventists, the three angels’ messages (Rev. 14:6–13). The chapter concludes with a symbolic representation of the second coming of Jesus and the respective harvests of the saints and the wicked that accompany it (Rev. 14:14–20). The lesson for this week focuses primarily on the three angels’ messages.
Lesson Themes: The lesson and the focus passage introduce the following themes:
I. The Remnant and the 144,000
These turn out to be two different names for the same group in the end time.
II. The “Fear” of God
Far from meaning what it sounds like, the fear of God is a call to true worship, reverence, and respect for the Creator.
III. The Central Issue of Revelation 13 and 14: Worship
The word “worship” appears eight times at crucial points in the narrative.
IV. How Is Judgment Related to the Gospel (Rev. 14:6, 7)?
The language of judgment is used in three different ways in the New Testament.
V. Revelation 13 and 14 and the First Table of the Ten Commandments
There are multiple references to the first four of the Ten Commandments in Revelation 13 and 14.
VI. The First Angel and the Fourth Commandment
Life Application: The “Life Application” section explores (1) the relevance of judgment and (2) the relevance of the seventh-day Sabbath in today’s world.
Part II: Commentary
Revelation 14 elaborates on the remnant’s side of the final battle introduced in Revelation 12:17. The remnant is described (Rev. 14:1–5), its message is presented (Rev. 14:6–13), and the outcome of the battle is outlined in symbolic language (Rev. 14:14–20).
Main Themes of Lesson 10 Elaborated:
I. The Remnant and the 144,000
God’s faithful ones are called “remnant” in Revelation 12:17 and “144,000” in Revelation 14:1. Are these two different groups or two different ways of describing the same group? Revelation 14:1 contains an allusion to Joel 2:32 indicating an end-time fulfillment besides its “early rain” application (see Acts 2:21). In Joel, God’s faithful ones are those who call on the name of the Lord, reside in Mount Zion, and are called “remnant.” Revelation 14:1 mentions the name of the Lamb, Mount Zion, and calls these faithful ones the 144,000. The allusion to Joel is John’s key that he is describing the remnant’s side of the final conflict with the dragon in chapter 14.
II. The “Fear” of God
The word “fear” in English is generally the word we use when we are terrified. As a result, many readers of the Bible think it is appropriate to serve God because we are afraid of Him. But when the word “fear” is associated with God in the Bible, it has a much softer meaning. In the Old Testament, for example, the fear of God means to have reverence or awe for Him: it includes such things as knowing God personally (Prov. 9:10), doing His commandments (Ps. 111:10, Eccles. 12:13), and avoiding evil (Prov. 3:7, Prov. 16:6). In the New Testament, it can mean awe and respectful excitement (Luke 7:16, Acts 2:43). It provides motivation for godly behavior (2 Cor. 7:1). It is parallel to the honor one would give to a king (1 Pet. 2:17) and the respect one would show toward a superior (1 Pet. 2:18).
In modern terms, the fear of God means to take God seriously enough to enter into a relationship with Him, to follow His warnings to avoid evil, and to do His commandments, even the ones that may be inconvenient— or worse. It is a call to live and act as those who know that they will give account to God one day. According to this verse, such a serious calling will be a part of the experience of God’s end-time people.
III. The Central Issue of Revelation 13 and 14: Worship
The issue that arises again and again in Revelation 13 and 14 is worship. Seven times in these two chapters there are references to worship of the dragon, the beast, or the image to the beast (Rev. 13:4, 8, 12, 15; Rev. 14:9, 11). The overall story is about a satanic triad, which invites the worship of the entire world in the place of God. The focus is on a universal contest regarding the character of God and whether He is truly worthy of worship. It is the central theme of this part of the book.
Ironically, while there are seven references to worship of the dragon and his allies in Revelation 13 and 14, only one time in the same narrative is there a reference to worship of God, and that is in the call to worship the Creator in Revelation 14:7. That makes this verse the central focus of the section. And because Revelation 13 and 14 are at the center of the book, the call to worship the Creator states the central point of the entire book. Given that this call to worship is in the context of the Sabbath commandment of the Decalogue (Rev. 14:7, compare Exod. 20:11), the Sabbath is a crucial issue in the final crisis of earth’s history.
IV. How Is Judgment Related to the Gospel (Rev. 14:6, 7)?
In the New Testament, judgment is closely related to the gospel. First of all, judgment occurred at the Cross when Satan was defeated (John 12:31, Rev. 5:5–10). Second, judgment language is closely associated with the preaching of the gospel in John 3:18–21 and 5:22–25. Whenever the gospel is preached, people are called into judgment, based on their response to what Christ did on the cross. This call to judgment is the background to the four horsemen (Rev. 6:1–8), as we saw in lesson 5. Third, the judgment at the end of time examines our response to the hearing of the gospel (John 12:48). The book of Revelation reserves the language of judgment for the end-time phase (Rev. 11:18, Rev. 14:7, Rev. 17:1, Rev. 20:4).
V. Revelation 13 and 14 and the First Table of the Ten Commandments
References to worship of the beast (Rev. 13:4, 8, 12, 15) come in the context of a counterfeit of the first table of the law. The first commandment forbids worship of any other God. The second commandment forbids idolatry. The land beast tells inhabitants of the earth to set up an image to be worshiped (Rev. 13:15). The third commandment forbids taking the Lord’s name in vain. The beast excels in blasphemy (Rev. 13:6). The fourth commandment is the seal of the covenant, containing the name, the territory, and the basis for God’s rule (Exod. 20:8–11).
In contrast, the world is offered the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16, 17).
This section of Revelation is centered in the commandments of God (Rev. 12:17, Rev. 14:12). In chapter 13, there is a particular focus on the first table of the Ten Commandments, which contains the four commandments that deal specifically with our relationship to God. The beast and his allies counterfeit each of the first four commandments. This counterfeit sets the stage for the decisive allusion to the fourth commandment in the first angel’s message (Rev. 14:7, compare Exod. 20:11).
VI. The First Angel and the Fourth Commandment
The message of the first angel contains a direct allusion to the fourth commandment of the Decalogue. This is evident for three major reasons. (1) There is a strong verbal parallel between Revelation 14:7 and Exodus 20:11. Both passages contain the words “made,” “heaven,” “earth,” and “sea.” They also contain a reference to the One who created. (2) Revelation 14:6, 7 contains references to salvation (Rev. 14:6), judgment, and Creation (Rev. 14:7). All three themes echo the first table of the Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:2, 5, 6, 11). (3) There are multiple references to the Ten Commandments throughout this section of Revelation (Rev. 12:17, 14:12, the counterfeits of the first four commandments in Revelation 13, the verbal parallels in Revelation 14:7). These references make up a strong structural parallel. The final call of God to the world is in the context of the fourth commandment.
Part III: Life Application
Why do you think judgment is an unpopular concept among many Christians today? Judgment today is often seen as cold and harshly legal. Courts are places you want to avoid, if possible. But in the biblical sense, judgment is something for God’s people to look forward to. It is a time that all the wrongs of earth will be made right. If there is no judgment at the end, there will never be any justice in this world. Biblical justice is as much positive as it is negative. It is the basis of reward, as well as negative consequences. Jesus said that even something as small as giving a cup of cold water to a child will be remembered in the judgment (Matt. 10:42). It provides great meaning in this life to know that every good deed, every kindness shown, matters in the ultimate scheme of things.
Why does the Sabbath play such a central role in the final events of earth’s history? What difference could a day of the week possibly make in the ultimate scheme of things? God placed the Sabbath at the center of all His mighty acts as a remembrance of Him. When we keep the seventh-day Sabbath, we are reminded of Creation (Exod. 20:8–11). God created us free, at great cost to Himself (we were free to rebel), so we could truly love Him back and also love one another. Not only the Sabbath but the whole of the Decalogue was designed to promote freedom (James 1:25, James 2:12). So the Creation side of Sabbath reminds us of the loving, freedom-giving character of God. The Sabbath also reminds us of the Exodus (Deut. 5:15), God’s great act of salvation for His people. He is a gracious God who acts mightily in behalf of His people. The Sabbath also reminds us of the Cross. Jesus rested in the tomb on the Sabbath between His death and His resurrection. The Cross is the greatest revelation of God’s character, and the Sabbath is a reminder of that. The Sabbath also looks forward to the future salvation at the end of time (Heb. 4:9–11). Those who truly trust God find in the Sabbath a down payment on the rest from sin that the whole universe will experience in eternity.
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Key Text: Revelation 14:7
Study Focus: Revelation 14 elaborates on the remnant’s side of the war with the dragon, as announced in Revelation 12:17.
Introduction: In Revelation 14, the remnant reappears as the 144,000, who follow the Lamb wherever He goes (Rev. 14:1–5). This emergence is followed by the most famous of all Bible passages to Seventh-day Adventists, the three angels’ messages (Rev. 14:6–13). The chapter concludes with a symbolic representation of the second coming of Jesus and the respective harvests of the saints and the wicked that accompany it (Rev. 14:14–20). The lesson for this week focuses primarily on the three angels’ messages.
Lesson Themes: The lesson and the focus passage introduce the following themes:
I. The Remnant and the 144,000
These turn out to be two different names for the same group in the end time.
II. The “Fear” of God
Far from meaning what it sounds like, the fear of God is a call to true worship, reverence, and respect for the Creator.
III. The Central Issue of Revelation 13 and 14: Worship
The word “worship” appears eight times at crucial points in the narrative.
IV. How Is Judgment Related to the Gospel (Rev. 14:6, 7)?
The language of judgment is used in three different ways in the New Testament.
V. Revelation 13 and 14 and the First Table of the Ten Commandments
There are multiple references to the first four of the Ten Commandments in Revelation 13 and 14.
VI. The First Angel and the Fourth Commandment
Life Application: The “Life Application” section explores (1) the relevance of judgment and (2) the relevance of the seventh-day Sabbath in today’s world.
Part II: Commentary
Revelation 14 elaborates on the remnant’s side of the final battle introduced in Revelation 12:17. The remnant is described (Rev. 14:1–5), its message is presented (Rev. 14:6–13), and the outcome of the battle is outlined in symbolic language (Rev. 14:14–20).
Main Themes of Lesson 10 Elaborated:
I. The Remnant and the 144,000
God’s faithful ones are called “remnant” in Revelation 12:17 and “144,000” in Revelation 14:1. Are these two different groups or two different ways of describing the same group? Revelation 14:1 contains an allusion to Joel 2:32 indicating an end-time fulfillment besides its “early rain” application (see Acts 2:21). In Joel, God’s faithful ones are those who call on the name of the Lord, reside in Mount Zion, and are called “remnant.” Revelation 14:1 mentions the name of the Lamb, Mount Zion, and calls these faithful ones the 144,000. The allusion to Joel is John’s key that he is describing the remnant’s side of the final conflict with the dragon in chapter 14.
II. The “Fear” of God
The word “fear” in English is generally the word we use when we are terrified. As a result, many readers of the Bible think it is appropriate to serve God because we are afraid of Him. But when the word “fear” is associated with God in the Bible, it has a much softer meaning. In the Old Testament, for example, the fear of God means to have reverence or awe for Him: it includes such things as knowing God personally (Prov. 9:10), doing His commandments (Ps. 111:10, Eccles. 12:13), and avoiding evil (Prov. 3:7, Prov. 16:6). In the New Testament, it can mean awe and respectful excitement (Luke 7:16, Acts 2:43). It provides motivation for godly behavior (2 Cor. 7:1). It is parallel to the honor one would give to a king (1 Pet. 2:17) and the respect one would show toward a superior (1 Pet. 2:18).
In modern terms, the fear of God means to take God seriously enough to enter into a relationship with Him, to follow His warnings to avoid evil, and to do His commandments, even the ones that may be inconvenient— or worse. It is a call to live and act as those who know that they will give account to God one day. According to this verse, such a serious calling will be a part of the experience of God’s end-time people.
III. The Central Issue of Revelation 13 and 14: Worship
The issue that arises again and again in Revelation 13 and 14 is worship. Seven times in these two chapters there are references to worship of the dragon, the beast, or the image to the beast (Rev. 13:4, 8, 12, 15; Rev. 14:9, 11). The overall story is about a satanic triad, which invites the worship of the entire world in the place of God. The focus is on a universal contest regarding the character of God and whether He is truly worthy of worship. It is the central theme of this part of the book.
Ironically, while there are seven references to worship of the dragon and his allies in Revelation 13 and 14, only one time in the same narrative is there a reference to worship of God, and that is in the call to worship the Creator in Revelation 14:7. That makes this verse the central focus of the section. And because Revelation 13 and 14 are at the center of the book, the call to worship the Creator states the central point of the entire book. Given that this call to worship is in the context of the Sabbath commandment of the Decalogue (Rev. 14:7, compare Exod. 20:11), the Sabbath is a crucial issue in the final crisis of earth’s history.
IV. How Is Judgment Related to the Gospel (Rev. 14:6, 7)?
In the New Testament, judgment is closely related to the gospel. First of all, judgment occurred at the Cross when Satan was defeated (John 12:31, Rev. 5:5–10). Second, judgment language is closely associated with the preaching of the gospel in John 3:18–21 and 5:22–25. Whenever the gospel is preached, people are called into judgment, based on their response to what Christ did on the cross. This call to judgment is the background to the four horsemen (Rev. 6:1–8), as we saw in lesson 5. Third, the judgment at the end of time examines our response to the hearing of the gospel (John 12:48). The book of Revelation reserves the language of judgment for the end-time phase (Rev. 11:18, Rev. 14:7, Rev. 17:1, Rev. 20:4).
V. Revelation 13 and 14 and the First Table of the Ten Commandments
References to worship of the beast (Rev. 13:4, 8, 12, 15) come in the context of a counterfeit of the first table of the law. The first commandment forbids worship of any other God. The second commandment forbids idolatry. The land beast tells inhabitants of the earth to set up an image to be worshiped (Rev. 13:15). The third commandment forbids taking the Lord’s name in vain. The beast excels in blasphemy (Rev. 13:6). The fourth commandment is the seal of the covenant, containing the name, the territory, and the basis for God’s rule (Exod. 20:8–11).
In contrast, the world is offered the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:16, 17).
This section of Revelation is centered in the commandments of God (Rev. 12:17, Rev. 14:12). In chapter 13, there is a particular focus on the first table of the Ten Commandments, which contains the four commandments that deal specifically with our relationship to God. The beast and his allies counterfeit each of the first four commandments. This counterfeit sets the stage for the decisive allusion to the fourth commandment in the first angel’s message (Rev. 14:7, compare Exod. 20:11).
VI. The First Angel and the Fourth Commandment
The message of the first angel contains a direct allusion to the fourth commandment of the Decalogue. This is evident for three major reasons. (1) There is a strong verbal parallel between Revelation 14:7 and Exodus 20:11. Both passages contain the words “made,” “heaven,” “earth,” and “sea.” They also contain a reference to the One who created. (2) Revelation 14:6, 7 contains references to salvation (Rev. 14:6), judgment, and Creation (Rev. 14:7). All three themes echo the first table of the Ten Commandments (Exod. 20:2, 5, 6, 11). (3) There are multiple references to the Ten Commandments throughout this section of Revelation (Rev. 12:17, 14:12, the counterfeits of the first four commandments in Revelation 13, the verbal parallels in Revelation 14:7). These references make up a strong structural parallel. The final call of God to the world is in the context of the fourth commandment.
Part III: Life Application