Study Focus: We will center our attention in this lesson on the heavenly vision of Revelation 4 and 5 (Rev. 4:1–5:14).
Introduction: The passage covered in this lesson is divided into two parts. First, there is a general description of heavenly worship directed to the One sitting on the throne, God the Father (Rev. 4:1–11). Second, there is a moment of crisis in the heavenly throne room, but it is resolved by the appearance of the Lamb, Jesus Christ (Rev. 5:1–14).
Lesson Themes: The lesson and the focus passage introduce the following themes:
I. Is Revelation 4 a General Description or a Onetime Event?
As we shall see, the details of the text answer this question.
II. The Biblical Concept of Worship
Worship is not about us. It is about what God has done and our appropriate, heartfelt response to it.
III. The Identity of the 24 Elders
The elders are not an angelic group; they represent God’s people.
IV. The Meaning of the Sealed Scroll
The sealed scroll represents God’s plan of salvation.
V. The Worthiness of the Lamb
The Lamb is uniquely worthy to open the scroll because of His combination of humanity and divinity.
VI. The Progression of the Five Hymns (Rev. 4:8, 11; Rev. 5:9, 10, 12, 13)
The progression underlines the divinity of the Lamb.
VII. The Cosmic Conflict
The conflict is the backdrop to this heavenly scene.
Life Application: Participants are invited to consider the implications of this heavenly vision for earthly worship and for our understanding of the Sabbath.
Part II: Commentary
At the beginning of chapter 4, John is invited up to heaven for the first time (Rev. 4:1). Chapter 4 is a general description of the continual worship in heaven (see the textual evidence in theme I below), in which God the Father is worshiped on account of Creation (Rev. 4:11). But chapter 5 is a onetime crisis event in heaven. A problem is presented that seems so large that it appears as if even God Himself cannot solve it (Rev. 5:1–4). But the matter is resolved by the appearance of the Lamb, the God-man Jesus Christ (see theme V below). He is worshiped because He was slain and is our Redeemer, and this fact resolves the crisis in the universe (Rev. 5:5–14).
Main Themes of Lesson 4 Elaborated:
I. Is Revelation 4 a General Description or a Onetime Event?
Three pieces of evidence indicate that chapter 4 is not a onetime event but a general description of heavenly worship. (1) The throne in verse 2 is not set up; rather, it “was standing” (NASB) continually in heaven (Greek: keitai, imperfect tense). (2) The singing in verse 8 is not a single episode; it goes on “day and night.” (3) The singing of the four living creatures is continuously repetitive (“whenever” [Rev. 4:9, NKJV]).
II. The Biblical Concept of Worship
In Revelation 4:11, the basis of worship is “because” God created all things. In Revelation 5:9, worship happens “because” (NIV) the Lamb was slain and redeems. In Revelation 11:17, worship happens “because” (NIV) God has begun to reign. While often translated “for” in English, all three verses use the Greek word hoti, which means the reason or the basis upon which an action is taken. God is worshiped “because” of what He has done. Worship throughout the Bible is talking about, singing about, and repeating the acts that God has done (Deut. 26:1–11; Ps. 66:3–6; Ps. 78:5–15; Ps. 111:4). It even includes acting out the death and resurrection of Jesus through baptism (Rom. 6:3, 4) and the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:26). Worship in the Bible is not about us. Worship is about what God has done.
III. The Identity of the 24 Elders
The lesson rightly asserts that the number 12 in the Bible is often used as a symbol of God’s people and that the 24 elders could, therefore, represent God’s people from both Old and New Testament times. But space did not permit mentioning the most important biblical evidence for these assertions. In Matthew 19:28, Jesus tells His disciples that they will sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel. This verse ties together the number 12, thrones, the apostles, and the 12 tribes. In Revelation 21:12, the names of the 12 tribes are written on the gates of the New Jerusalem, while the 12 foundations have the names of the 12 apostles written on them (Rev. 21:14). The number 24 adds 12 to 12, as occurs in Revelation 21. In Revelation 7:4–8, furthermore, the people of God are described in terms of 12 times 12 times 1,000 (144,000). The multiple of 12 is seen also in the height of the walls of the New Jerusalem, 144 cubits (Rev. 21:17). So the best explanation of the 24 elders is that they represent the people of God in both Old and New Testaments.
IV. The Meaning of the Sealed Scroll
Ask the class how many options they can think of for the meaning of the sealed scroll of Revelation 5. Some biblical options include a last will and testament, the constitution of Israel (Deuteronomy), a record of human history, an emblem of the Lamb’s right to rule, a record of human deeds, the book of life, and a list of rewards and punishments for human behavior (judgment). Based on a comment in a letter of Ellen G. White, the lesson suggests that the scroll contains the history of God’s providences and the prophetic history of the nations and the church. The lesson sums up with the conclusion that the sealed scroll represents the plan of salvation. John weeps (Rev. 5:4) because the plan of salvation will not be implemented unless someone is found worthy to open the scroll.
How do we know the book (Rev. 5:2 [Greek: biblion]) is a scroll and not something more typical of books today? We know because the same word is used in Revelation 6:14, which says that the “sky receded as a scroll [Greek: biblion] when it is rolled up” (NKJV).
V. The Worthiness of the Lamb
The Lamb is uniquely worthy to open the scroll (Rev. 5:5, 6). The key qualities of the Lamb in the chapter are twofold. The Lamb is slain, which points to His human nature. On the other hand, the Lamb is worshiped along with the One sitting on the throne (Rev. 5:13). This points to His divinity. The God-man is unique in all history. Of all intelligent beings (see John 1:3, 14), only the divine-human Jesus could fully reveal the character of God and atone for human sin, because He is fully God and fully human. So, embedded in this symbolic vision is a profound Christology, a doctrine of who Jesus Christ is.
VI. The Five Hymns (Rev. 4:8, 11; Rev. 5:9, 10, 12, 13) Underline the Divinity of the Lamb.
The divinity of Christ is underlined in the progression of five hymns in this vision. The first two hymns praise the One sitting on the throne (Rev. 4:8, 11). The third and fourth hymns praise the Lamb (Rev. 5:9–12). The fifth hymn offers worship to both the One sitting on the throne and the Lamb (Rev. 5:13). The fifth hymn is the clear climax of the series, in which blessing, honor, glory, and power are acclaimed as belonging to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.
A second feature of these hymns also highlights the fifth hymn. It is the climax of a grand crescendo of singing. The first hymn is sung by the four living creatures (Rev. 4:8). The second hymn is sung by the 24 elders (Rev. 4:11). The third is sung by both the four living creatures and the 24 elders (Rev. 5:9, 10). The fourth hymn is sung by more than 100 million angels (Rev. 5:11, 12). The fifth hymn is sung by every creature in the universe (Rev. 5:13). So the fifth hymn is the climax of a great crescendo as all attention focuses on the throne, affirming the divinity of the Lamb.
VII. The Cosmic Conflict Is the Backdrop to This Heavenly Scene.
A striking aspect of Revelation 4 and 5 is the total absence of Satan, in spite of the fact that the heavenly crisis must have something to do with the cosmic conflict (see Rev. 2:9, 24). But the role of Satan in Revelation 4 and 5 is clarified in Revelation 12:10. Revelation 12:10 summarizes the scene of chapter 5 in terms of Christ’s coming to power. But His coming to power is paired with the casting down of Satan, the “accuser of our brothers” (ESV). The verse clarifies that Satan accuses the brothers “day and night.” This act is strikingly reminiscent of Revelation 4:8, where the four living creatures sing the triple holy song “day and night.” Their constant praise drowns out the constant accusations of Satan, which are no longer heard or seen. Satan is absent from the scene of chapters 4 and 5 because he has already been defeated and cast out on account of the Cross.
Part III: Life Application
Considering the biblical evidence regarding worship in theme II in the previous section, talk about the typical worship service in your local church. Is it God-centered, or is it centered on the worshipers? Does it emphasize what God has done (Creation, the Cross, daily promptings of the Spirit) and our response to His work or what we must do on our own? Understanding and practicing this truth is the secret of unleashing God’s power in a local church. If worship seems powerless, it is because it is not centered in God. In Bible times, when people praised God for what He had done for them in the past, the power of God’s original act was unleashed in the worshiper’s present (2 Chron. 20:5–22, Dan. 9:15, Dan. 10:19–21). Worship is not about us; it is about God. Worship is not telling one another what we should do; it is reminding ourselves and one another of what God has done for us.
What is the relationship between Revelation 4 and 5 and the Sabbath? Worship is presented to God and the Lamb on account of Creation (Rev. 4:11) and salvation (Rev. 5:9, 10). In the Old Testament, the Sabbath is the memorial of both Creation (Exod. 20:11) and the Exodus, the great act of Israel’s salvation (Deut. 5:15). So the Sabbath points us to the mighty acts of God in Creation, the Exodus, and the Cross. Keeping the Sabbath is not about earning merit with God. When we remember the Sabbath, we also are remembering the great things God has done for us, and this remembrance is the foundation of true worship.
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Key Text: Revelation 5:5, 6
Study Focus: We will center our attention in this lesson on the heavenly vision of Revelation 4 and 5 (Rev. 4:1–5:14).
Introduction: The passage covered in this lesson is divided into two parts. First, there is a general description of heavenly worship directed to the One sitting on the throne, God the Father (Rev. 4:1–11). Second, there is a moment of crisis in the heavenly throne room, but it is resolved by the appearance of the Lamb, Jesus Christ (Rev. 5:1–14).
Lesson Themes: The lesson and the focus passage introduce the following themes:
I. Is Revelation 4 a General Description or a Onetime Event?
As we shall see, the details of the text answer this question.
II. The Biblical Concept of Worship
Worship is not about us. It is about what God has done and our appropriate, heartfelt response to it.
III. The Identity of the 24 Elders
The elders are not an angelic group; they represent God’s people.
IV. The Meaning of the Sealed Scroll
The sealed scroll represents God’s plan of salvation.
V. The Worthiness of the Lamb
The Lamb is uniquely worthy to open the scroll because of His combination of humanity and divinity.
VI. The Progression of the Five Hymns (Rev. 4:8, 11; Rev. 5:9, 10, 12, 13)
The progression underlines the divinity of the Lamb.
VII. The Cosmic Conflict
The conflict is the backdrop to this heavenly scene.
Life Application: Participants are invited to consider the implications of this heavenly vision for earthly worship and for our understanding of the Sabbath.
Part II: Commentary
At the beginning of chapter 4, John is invited up to heaven for the first time (Rev. 4:1). Chapter 4 is a general description of the continual worship in heaven (see the textual evidence in theme I below), in which God the Father is worshiped on account of Creation (Rev. 4:11). But chapter 5 is a onetime crisis event in heaven. A problem is presented that seems so large that it appears as if even God Himself cannot solve it (Rev. 5:1–4). But the matter is resolved by the appearance of the Lamb, the God-man Jesus Christ (see theme V below). He is worshiped because He was slain and is our Redeemer, and this fact resolves the crisis in the universe (Rev. 5:5–14).
Main Themes of Lesson 4 Elaborated:
I. Is Revelation 4 a General Description or a Onetime Event?
Three pieces of evidence indicate that chapter 4 is not a onetime event but a general description of heavenly worship. (1) The throne in verse 2 is not set up; rather, it “was standing” (NASB) continually in heaven (Greek: keitai, imperfect tense). (2) The singing in verse 8 is not a single episode; it goes on “day and night.” (3) The singing of the four living creatures is continuously repetitive (“whenever” [Rev. 4:9, NKJV]).
II. The Biblical Concept of Worship
In Revelation 4:11, the basis of worship is “because” God created all things. In Revelation 5:9, worship happens “because” (NIV) the Lamb was slain and redeems. In Revelation 11:17, worship happens “because” (NIV) God has begun to reign. While often translated “for” in English, all three verses use the Greek word hoti, which means the reason or the basis upon which an action is taken. God is worshiped “because” of what He has done. Worship throughout the Bible is talking about, singing about, and repeating the acts that God has done (Deut. 26:1–11; Ps. 66:3–6; Ps. 78:5–15; Ps. 111:4). It even includes acting out the death and resurrection of Jesus through baptism (Rom. 6:3, 4) and the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:26). Worship in the Bible is not about us. Worship is about what God has done.
III. The Identity of the 24 Elders
The lesson rightly asserts that the number 12 in the Bible is often used as a symbol of God’s people and that the 24 elders could, therefore, represent God’s people from both Old and New Testament times. But space did not permit mentioning the most important biblical evidence for these assertions. In Matthew 19:28, Jesus tells His disciples that they will sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes of Israel. This verse ties together the number 12, thrones, the apostles, and the 12 tribes. In Revelation 21:12, the names of the 12 tribes are written on the gates of the New Jerusalem, while the 12 foundations have the names of the 12 apostles written on them (Rev. 21:14). The number 24 adds 12 to 12, as occurs in Revelation 21. In Revelation 7:4–8, furthermore, the people of God are described in terms of 12 times 12 times 1,000 (144,000). The multiple of 12 is seen also in the height of the walls of the New Jerusalem, 144 cubits (Rev. 21:17). So the best explanation of the 24 elders is that they represent the people of God in both Old and New Testaments.
IV. The Meaning of the Sealed Scroll
Ask the class how many options they can think of for the meaning of the sealed scroll of Revelation 5. Some biblical options include a last will and testament, the constitution of Israel (Deuteronomy), a record of human history, an emblem of the Lamb’s right to rule, a record of human deeds, the book of life, and a list of rewards and punishments for human behavior (judgment). Based on a comment in a letter of Ellen G. White, the lesson suggests that the scroll contains the history of God’s providences and the prophetic history of the nations and the church. The lesson sums up with the conclusion that the sealed scroll represents the plan of salvation. John weeps (Rev. 5:4) because the plan of salvation will not be implemented unless someone is found worthy to open the scroll.
How do we know the book (Rev. 5:2 [Greek: biblion]) is a scroll and not something more typical of books today? We know because the same word is used in Revelation 6:14, which says that the “sky receded as a scroll [Greek: biblion] when it is rolled up” (NKJV).
V. The Worthiness of the Lamb
The Lamb is uniquely worthy to open the scroll (Rev. 5:5, 6). The key qualities of the Lamb in the chapter are twofold. The Lamb is slain, which points to His human nature. On the other hand, the Lamb is worshiped along with the One sitting on the throne (Rev. 5:13). This points to His divinity. The God-man is unique in all history. Of all intelligent beings (see John 1:3, 14), only the divine-human Jesus could fully reveal the character of God and atone for human sin, because He is fully God and fully human. So, embedded in this symbolic vision is a profound Christology, a doctrine of who Jesus Christ is.
VI. The Five Hymns (Rev. 4:8, 11; Rev. 5:9, 10, 12, 13) Underline the Divinity of the Lamb.
The divinity of Christ is underlined in the progression of five hymns in this vision. The first two hymns praise the One sitting on the throne (Rev. 4:8, 11). The third and fourth hymns praise the Lamb (Rev. 5:9–12). The fifth hymn offers worship to both the One sitting on the throne and the Lamb (Rev. 5:13). The fifth hymn is the clear climax of the series, in which blessing, honor, glory, and power are acclaimed as belonging to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.
A second feature of these hymns also highlights the fifth hymn. It is the climax of a grand crescendo of singing. The first hymn is sung by the four living creatures (Rev. 4:8). The second hymn is sung by the 24 elders (Rev. 4:11). The third is sung by both the four living creatures and the 24 elders (Rev. 5:9, 10). The fourth hymn is sung by more than 100 million angels (Rev. 5:11, 12). The fifth hymn is sung by every creature in the universe (Rev. 5:13). So the fifth hymn is the climax of a great crescendo as all attention focuses on the throne, affirming the divinity of the Lamb.
VII. The Cosmic Conflict Is the Backdrop to This Heavenly Scene.
A striking aspect of Revelation 4 and 5 is the total absence of Satan, in spite of the fact that the heavenly crisis must have something to do with the cosmic conflict (see Rev. 2:9, 24). But the role of Satan in Revelation 4 and 5 is clarified in Revelation 12:10. Revelation 12:10 summarizes the scene of chapter 5 in terms of Christ’s coming to power. But His coming to power is paired with the casting down of Satan, the “accuser of our brothers” (ESV). The verse clarifies that Satan accuses the brothers “day and night.” This act is strikingly reminiscent of Revelation 4:8, where the four living creatures sing the triple holy song “day and night.” Their constant praise drowns out the constant accusations of Satan, which are no longer heard or seen. Satan is absent from the scene of chapters 4 and 5 because he has already been defeated and cast out on account of the Cross.
Part III: Life Application