Know: Become informed about the warnings of Satan’s masterful deceptions.
Feel: Keep all his or her senses alert to protect against the traps of false emotions.
Do: Protect himself or herself against Satan’s deceptions.
Learning Outline:
Know: Satan’s Deceptions
What is Satan’s most effective deception about himself?
What are the two main errors about human nature that support Satan’s false claims?
How will Satan promote false worship?
Feel: The Emotional Trap
Why are we more vulnerable to Satan through our feelings?
What kinds of feelings would be most vulnerable to Satan’s attacks?
How can we control our feelings?
Do: Self-Defense Against Satan
What is the best defense against Satan?
What are the best weapons against Satan?
How can one overcome Satan’s deceptions?
Summary: Satan’s deceptions about himself, God, and humans are lies to be unveiled and denounced in order to permit God’s efficient protection.
Learning Cycle
STEP 1—Motivate
Spotlight on Scripture: Revelation 12:9
Key Concept for Spiritual Growth: Satan’s greatest deception is the illusion that we do not need God and are not dependent on Him. The ideas of evolution and of the immortality of the soul illustrate this deception, and they may lead to worship of the creature instead of worshiping the Creator. Our best defense against these illusions of our independence is to be dependent only on the Lord and to keep Him before us continually, placing our everyday decisions under His full control and implementing them according to His will. Then we must listen and wait for His direction and help.
Just for Teachers: This week we will identify Satan’s deceptions in order to prevent falling prey to them and to defend ourselves against his attempts to control us. Show how the most dangerous deceptions seem to come from ourselves, thus promoting self-centered ideals. Explain how this self-centeredness is the genesis for the ideas of evolution and of the immortality of the soul.
Opening Discussion: How do the two false beliefs—the immortality of the soul and evolution—affect other sets of values? Why is it important to be aware of Satan’s “theological” strategies? What are other errors that Satan has used to deceive Christians and the world in general?
STEP 2—Explore
Just for Teachers: Satan has developed his tactics of deception to wage a three-pronged attack. First, he wants you to relax and to feel comfortable about his threat against you; he will make you believe that he is harmless and even that he does not exist. Second, he wants you to feel great and powerful; he will give you the illusion that you do not need God to survive and be happy. And third, once Satan has created the void meant to be filled by God alone, he will fill that empty space with himself.
Bible Commentary
I. The Most Treacherous Trap of the Devil (Review Revelation 12:9, 20:10 with your class.)
Many people in our secular culture dismiss the reality of Satan. Either they associate Satan with fairy tales, or simply, and more efficiently, they joke about the existence of the devil. French poet Baudelaire spoke with skeptical humor on the question of the devil’s existence: “His majesty the devil told Baudelaire that he had feared but once for his power, the day that he heard a preacher, slightly more subtle than the others, preach: ‘My dear brothers, never forget, in hearing of the progress of this enlightened century, that the most treacherous trap of the devil is to dupe you into believing in his non-existence.’ ”—Charles Baudelaire, Le Spleen de Paris, oeuvres completes (Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1961), p. 101.
In Revelation, John clearly and unambiguously exposes the evil of Satan and his reality; he explicitly identifies “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world” (Rev. 12:9, NKJV). For John, Satan is not a funny, horned and tailed, unthreatening mythical figure. He is real and evil, and he is the master of disguise. He likes to clothe badness with goodness and, conversely, to turn truths into errors. He used this strategy against Eve when he presented disobedience as a virtue (Gen. 3:5). For the book of Revelation, Satan is a real and dangerous person.
Consider This: Identify some dangerous misconceptions that are presented as truth (for example, eating meat will give you strength; red wine is good for your heart; smoking cigarettes is cool, etc.). Why are these ideas so popular and/or mixed with error?
II. Evolution and Immortality (Review Ecclesiastes 9:5 and Hebrews 11:1 with your class.)
From the very beginning of the Bible, in the Creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2, we are presented with the truth about our origins and human nature that serve as warnings against the two great errors that trap many people: the ideas of evolution and the immortality of the soul.
In opposition to the idea of evolution, the biblical text tells us that God created the universe and created the first humans in His image. Furthermore, He blessed the Sabbath and gave it to humans as a sign to remind them of what He did for them when they did not yet exist (Gen. 2:1–3, Exod. 20:8–11). The idea of evolution is very old, having tempted the ancient pagan Egyptians to observe that the baby beetle seemed to have emerged from the dung by itself, and thus, all life was believed to have emerged by itself. The beetle was thus called kheper, meaning “evolving,” which became the name of the creator god Khepri, whose name captures the evolutionist concept. Khepri means “he who is coming into being by himself, the self-evolver.” The psalmist warns us against this self-deception when he says, “It is [God] who has made us, and not we ourselves” (Ps. 100:3, NKJV).
In opposition to the idea of immortality, God indicates to the first humans that they are not immortal by nature. Their lives depend on the divine Creator, and if they disconnect from Him and disobey, they will “ ‘surely die’ ” (Gen. 2:17, NKJV). Since that time, Satan has done all he can to persuade humans that they are immortal: “The serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die’ ” (Gen. 3:4, NKJV). The ancient Egyptians imagined that their spiritual beings could survive their bodies and go into the heavens where they would become gods. Later, Greek philosopher Plato elaborated on the philosophy of the immortality of the soul, which, for him, existed apart from the body. This spurious thinking has influenced traditional Judaism and Christianity. Today, even nonreligious people believe in the idea of the immortality of the soul and promote all kinds of “spiritual” theories and so-called experiments to support their wishful thinking.
Evolution and immortality are the two most popular and prevailing ideas prevalent in cultures worldwide. In fact, they are rooted in the same fallacy that humans are gods and have produced themselves through the process of evolution, leading them to the stage of divinity. They are premised on the lies of Satan himself, hearkening back to Eden: “ ‘You will be like God’ ” (Gen. 3:5, NKJV).
Consider This: Why are these two ideas—evolution and the immortality of the soul—so important in the great controversy? What are the biblical texts that deny the idea of the immortality of the soul? Why does the practice of keeping the seventh-day Sabbath imply faith in a historical six-day Creation?
III. The Other Trinity (Review Revelation 12:17–13:18 with your class.)
The book of Revelation almost satirically presents Satan as a caricature of God. Like God, Satan presents himself as a trinity: the dragon, the beast of the sea, and the beast of the land. These beasts are described in connection with each other and in connection to the dragon. The beast of the sea is strikingly similar to the dragon. Like the dragon, the beast has seven heads and ten horns (Rev. 13:1). This beast has received power from the dragon (Rev. 13:4). This beast represents a religious power (see next lesson). Likewise, the beast of the land, which follows the beast of the sea, is described as promoting the worship of the beast of the sea (Rev. 13:12–14) and supporting the dragon (Rev. 13:4). The beast of the land, which allies itself to the beast of the sea, represents a political power (see next lesson).
These three beasts belong to the same camp and are committed to the same project. Furthermore, these three monstrous animals contrast with the three well-defined creatures that represent divinity: the lamb, the lion, and the man. This distortion of God should alert us. When Satan imitates God, the result is not only deceptive and disfiguring; it is dangerous and leads to the abyss.
Discussion Questions: Why does Satan choose to imitate? What is the meaning of these three symbolic representations: the dragon, the beast of the sea, and the beast of the land? How does the dragon imitate God the Father? How does the beast of the sea imitate Jesus? How does the beast of the land imitate the Holy Spirit? What cosmic element does each of these three beasts evoke? How does their respective representation express their function?
STEP 3—Apply
Just for Teachers: According to the testimony of Greek historian Herodotus, it was a custom of the ancient Egyptians to sit in a banquet and pass around a mummy-like statuette that represented a deceased person so as to remind themselves of death and encourage people to rethink the value of life. Morbid though it might be, what lessons could we learn from this custom?
Application Questions: The experience of the death of a loved one is often the right opportunity to testify about your faith. Discuss Ecclesiastes 7:1–4.
1. Why might the prospect of death bring wisdom?
2. How would you denounce the deception of the immortality of the soul and still bring comfort to those who mourn?
STEP 4—Create
Just for Teachers: Identify the common thread of these three deceptions: evolution, the immortality of the soul, and Satan’s false trinity. In what way do they touch on the nature of God, the nature of man, and the destiny of the world? Why does Satan identify himself in three persons? Identify the parallels between these three beasts and the divine Trinity. What is the biblical evidence of the Trinity in the Old Testament?
Activity: If possible, bring a representation (drawings or statuettes) of the three satanic beasts to class. Compare the three satanic beasts with the three representations of God. What lessons do you learn about the nature of God from this comparison?
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Key Text: 2 Corinthians 11:14
The Student Will:
Learning Outline:
Know: Satan’s Deceptions
Feel: The Emotional Trap
Do: Self-Defense Against Satan
Summary: Satan’s deceptions about himself, God, and humans are lies to be unveiled and denounced in order to permit God’s efficient protection.
Learning Cycle
STEP 1—Motivate
Spotlight on Scripture: Revelation 12:9
Key Concept for Spiritual Growth: Satan’s greatest deception is the illusion that we do not need God and are not dependent on Him. The ideas of evolution and of the immortality of the soul illustrate this deception, and they may lead to worship of the creature instead of worshiping the Creator. Our best defense against these illusions of our independence is to be dependent only on the Lord and to keep Him before us continually, placing our everyday decisions under His full control and implementing them according to His will. Then we must listen and wait for His direction and help.
Just for Teachers: This week we will identify Satan’s deceptions in order to prevent falling prey to them and to defend ourselves against his attempts to control us. Show how the most dangerous deceptions seem to come from ourselves, thus promoting self-centered ideals. Explain how this self-centeredness is the genesis for the ideas of evolution and of the immortality of the soul.
Opening Discussion: How do the two false beliefs—the immortality of the soul and evolution—affect other sets of values? Why is it important to be aware of Satan’s “theological” strategies? What are other errors that Satan has used to deceive Christians and the world in general?
STEP 2—Explore
Just for Teachers: Satan has developed his tactics of deception to wage a three-pronged attack. First, he wants you to relax and to feel comfortable about his threat against you; he will make you believe that he is harmless and even that he does not exist. Second, he wants you to feel great and powerful; he will give you the illusion that you do not need God to survive and be happy. And third, once Satan has created the void meant to be filled by God alone, he will fill that empty space with himself.
Bible Commentary
I. The Most Treacherous Trap of the Devil (Review Revelation 12:9, 20:10 with your class.)
Many people in our secular culture dismiss the reality of Satan. Either they associate Satan with fairy tales, or simply, and more efficiently, they joke about the existence of the devil. French poet Baudelaire spoke with skeptical humor on the question of the devil’s existence: “His majesty the devil told Baudelaire that he had feared but once for his power, the day that he heard a preacher, slightly more subtle than the others, preach: ‘My dear brothers, never forget, in hearing of the progress of this enlightened century, that the most treacherous trap of the devil is to dupe you into believing in his non-existence.’ ”—Charles Baudelaire, Le Spleen de Paris, oeuvres completes (Paris: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 1961), p. 101.
In Revelation, John clearly and unambiguously exposes the evil of Satan and his reality; he explicitly identifies “that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world” (Rev. 12:9, NKJV). For John, Satan is not a funny, horned and tailed, unthreatening mythical figure. He is real and evil, and he is the master of disguise. He likes to clothe badness with goodness and, conversely, to turn truths into errors. He used this strategy against Eve when he presented disobedience as a virtue (Gen. 3:5). For the book of Revelation, Satan is a real and dangerous person.
Consider This: Identify some dangerous misconceptions that are presented as truth (for example, eating meat will give you strength; red wine is good for your heart; smoking cigarettes is cool, etc.). Why are these ideas so popular and/or mixed with error?
II. Evolution and Immortality (Review Ecclesiastes 9:5 and Hebrews 11:1 with your class.)
From the very beginning of the Bible, in the Creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2, we are presented with the truth about our origins and human nature that serve as warnings against the two great errors that trap many people: the ideas of evolution and the immortality of the soul.
In opposition to the idea of evolution, the biblical text tells us that God created the universe and created the first humans in His image. Furthermore, He blessed the Sabbath and gave it to humans as a sign to remind them of what He did for them when they did not yet exist (Gen. 2:1–3, Exod. 20:8–11). The idea of evolution is very old, having tempted the ancient pagan Egyptians to observe that the baby beetle seemed to have emerged from the dung by itself, and thus, all life was believed to have emerged by itself. The beetle was thus called kheper, meaning “evolving,” which became the name of the creator god Khepri, whose name captures the evolutionist concept. Khepri means “he who is coming into being by himself, the self-evolver.” The psalmist warns us against this self-deception when he says, “It is [God] who has made us, and not we ourselves” (Ps. 100:3, NKJV).
In opposition to the idea of immortality, God indicates to the first humans that they are not immortal by nature. Their lives depend on the divine Creator, and if they disconnect from Him and disobey, they will “ ‘surely die’ ” (Gen. 2:17, NKJV). Since that time, Satan has done all he can to persuade humans that they are immortal: “The serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die’ ” (Gen. 3:4, NKJV). The ancient Egyptians imagined that their spiritual beings could survive their bodies and go into the heavens where they would become gods. Later, Greek philosopher Plato elaborated on the philosophy of the immortality of the soul, which, for him, existed apart from the body. This spurious thinking has influenced traditional Judaism and Christianity. Today, even nonreligious people believe in the idea of the immortality of the soul and promote all kinds of “spiritual” theories and so-called experiments to support their wishful thinking.
Evolution and immortality are the two most popular and prevailing ideas prevalent in cultures worldwide. In fact, they are rooted in the same fallacy that humans are gods and have produced themselves through the process of evolution, leading them to the stage of divinity. They are premised on the lies of Satan himself, hearkening back to Eden: “ ‘You will be like God’ ” (Gen. 3:5, NKJV).
Consider This: Why are these two ideas—evolution and the immortality of the soul—so important in the great controversy? What are the biblical texts that deny the idea of the immortality of the soul? Why does the practice of keeping the seventh-day Sabbath imply faith in a historical six-day Creation?
III. The Other Trinity (Review Revelation 12:17–13:18 with your class.)
The book of Revelation almost satirically presents Satan as a caricature of God. Like God, Satan presents himself as a trinity: the dragon, the beast of the sea, and the beast of the land. These beasts are described in connection with each other and in connection to the dragon. The beast of the sea is strikingly similar to the dragon. Like the dragon, the beast has seven heads and ten horns (Rev. 13:1). This beast has received power from the dragon (Rev. 13:4). This beast represents a religious power (see next lesson). Likewise, the beast of the land, which follows the beast of the sea, is described as promoting the worship of the beast of the sea (Rev. 13:12–14) and supporting the dragon (Rev. 13:4). The beast of the land, which allies itself to the beast of the sea, represents a political power (see next lesson).
These three beasts belong to the same camp and are committed to the same project. Furthermore, these three monstrous animals contrast with the three well-defined creatures that represent divinity: the lamb, the lion, and the man. This distortion of God should alert us. When Satan imitates God, the result is not only deceptive and disfiguring; it is dangerous and leads to the abyss.
Discussion Questions: Why does Satan choose to imitate? What is the meaning of these three symbolic representations: the dragon, the beast of the sea, and the beast of the land? How does the dragon imitate God the Father? How does the beast of the sea imitate Jesus? How does the beast of the land imitate the Holy Spirit? What cosmic element does each of these three beasts evoke? How does their respective representation express their function?
STEP 3—Apply
Just for Teachers: According to the testimony of Greek historian Herodotus, it was a custom of the ancient Egyptians to sit in a banquet and pass around a mummy-like statuette that represented a deceased person so as to remind themselves of death and encourage people to rethink the value of life. Morbid though it might be, what lessons could we learn from this custom?
Application Questions: The experience of the death of a loved one is often the right opportunity to testify about your faith. Discuss Ecclesiastes 7:1–4.
1. Why might the prospect of death bring wisdom? 2. How would you denounce the deception of the immortality of the soul and still bring comfort to those who mourn?
STEP 4—Create
Just for Teachers: Identify the common thread of these three deceptions: evolution, the immortality of the soul, and Satan’s false trinity. In what way do they touch on the nature of God, the nature of man, and the destiny of the world? Why does Satan identify himself in three persons? Identify the parallels between these three beasts and the divine Trinity. What is the biblical evidence of the Trinity in the Old Testament?
Activity: If possible, bring a representation (drawings or statuettes) of the three satanic beasts to class. Compare the three satanic beasts with the three representations of God. What lessons do you learn about the nature of God from this comparison?