Finding Ellen White in the Mideast
Ahmet felt a strange impression to look for a Seventh-day Adventist church in a major Middle Eastern city where Adventists are not allowed to witness in public or distribute literature door-to-door.
Ahmet, who was visiting his ill father, had never met an Adventist, visited an Adventist church, or heard of Adventist beliefs.
“The impression came again and again,” said Ahmet, a former Muslim who had converted to Christianity four years earlier.
Following the impression, he set off in search of the church. Little did he know that only 30 Adventists are known to live in the city of 10 million people. (Adventist Mission is not identifying the city or Ahmet by his real name to safeguard the Adventist work in the region.)
Finally, Ahmet found the Adventist church, stepped into the entrance area, and knocked on the inner door. He was met with silence.
“Nobody was there except Ellen White books,” Ahmet said.
Local church members had placed a bookrack with free literature inside the church entrance, an area that is not considered a public space legally and therefore is available for witnessing. Ahmet felt convicted to pick up The Victory of Love, a book containing several chapters of The Great Controversy by Adventist Church cofounder Ellen White.
Returning to his father’s home, Ahmet wondered whether the Spirit of the Lord had led him to the church. When he finished reading the book three days later, he concluded that White’s words were in harmony with the Bible. He found church contact information on the last page of the book and asked for more information. Soon he received a copy of White’s book Patriarchs and Prophets. After that he read The Great Controversy, The Acts of the Apostles, Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, and his favorite, The Desire of Ages. After reading those books, Ahmet decided to become an Adventist, and today wants everyone to know about Ellen White.
“I will tell everyone: Ellen White is a prophet of God,” he said.
Even more, Ahmet said he wants to share the clearer picture of God’s love that he has learned in these books. He is reaching out to people from his country who have never heard the gospel.
Ahmet’s story has encouraged local church leaders to maintain their efforts to share White’s writings. “We need to do all we can to share the treasure we have,” said Rick McEdward, president of the Middle East and North Africa Union.